
IREENA and training through research

IREENA's research professors participate in the MASTER 2 International Electrical Engineering (Responsable du Master's coordinator : Mohamed Machmoum, more information on the EE master).
IREENA welcomes master trainees who carry out research work for six months on the laboratory's themes. Approximately 25 doctoral students work in the laboratory on different research themes, which are attached to the MathSTIC doctoral school.

The PhD

What is the process of a PhD?

The preparation of a thesis takes place over three years. The doctoral student carries out his or her research work under the responsibility of his or her thesis director, possibly assisted by a co-supervisor. A thesis charter is signed by these three partners. The thesis work must be published in national and international conferences or in scientific journals.
The doctorate is awarded after a public defence.

How is a thesis funded?

This is the funding of the doctoral student during the thesis. The most common types of funding are:
  • Research allowances from the Ministry of National Education and Research (MENR): its purpose is to allow the student to devote himself fully to his research work for the preparation of his thesis. The student must apply to the DEA supervisor at the beginning of the calendar year. The grant is awarded on the basis of merit, i.e. according to the quality of the studies.
  • CIFRE agreements: these are industrial agreements for training through research, the aim of which is to encourage companies to start the professional career of young post-graduates by training through research (ANRT).
  • Grants financed by research organisations: these may be CNRS Doctoral-Engineer grants, CNES grants, DGA grants. These grants are linked to a research programme agreed between the research laboratory and the organisation.
  • Funding linked to a contract between the laboratory and a company.
  • From the last year of the thesis (the year of the defence) and for a maximum period of two years, it is possible to obtain a position as a temporary teaching and research assistant. To be an ATER is to have the possibility of completing one's thesis or taking the competitive examination for higher education while teaching.
Mis à jour le 06 April 2023.